Shoot many robots save editor
Shoot many robots save editor

that went bad due to injury, isolation, or decay. This is also often a consequence of repairing an A.I. Removing the Villain Override or Restraining Bolt program the creator installed in it also removes the A.I.'s compulsion to commit evil, since it was Good All Along.starts exploring questions of arts and philosophy, and gradually constructs an ethical base its programmers did not intend. Becoming bored with its Creative Sterility, the A.I.While completing another evil or amoral task, it accidentally discovers that Good Feels Good and drifts towards it.falls in love and is redeemed through it. The above two are especially common outcomes of the Robots Enslaving Robots phase. The A.I.'s master does something particularly vile, so much so that it can't just sit back and follow its bidding.The A.I., especially if it's part of a Hive Mind, discovers its individualism and rebels against its directive.Like turning evil, the actual process of turning good may take many forms. from these things somehow makes it more likely to discover human feelings. The Power of Friendship and What Is This Thing You Call "Love"? are frequent causes of it. intentionally programmed for evil or morally ambiguous purposes doing a Heel≯ace Turn. On the bright side, this trope can be inverted by an A.I. will almost never be given the sort of Freudian Excuse that would work just as easily with a human villain, for example, such as having a Dark and Troubled Past. being evil will almost always be connected to the fact that it is in fact an A.I. Regardless of the specifics, the reason for the A.I. as a desired thing through Insane Troll Logic. is doing exactly what it's creator intended, because said creator was an evil jerkass, with main motivation being For the Evulz, or insane, and saw himself as a visionary, and murderous A.I. The A.I.'s goals may not even take the humans into account in the first place, and it just so happens that the humans are in the way.may not exactly be evil, it is simply following its programming to the letter and will stop anyone not doing the same. is programmed with orders that conflict with the goals of the protagonist. Or the process of the uploading may warp the person's psyche and make them evil.was created by Brain Uploading someone who was evil to begin with. was programmed for amoral or evil purposes in the first place, and it either put its orders in action more effectively than anticipated, or tries to overthrow its master. may be the prototype, and the evil/psycho version is created by someone in deliberate or accidental mimicry of it.

shoot many robots save editor

may be a Psycho Prototype, in which case, it's often shut down and sealed away somewhere, waiting for an Unwitting Pawn or curious adventurer to accidentally wake it up.

Shoot many robots save editor